Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hands on Play- Week Six

Week Six - Slide

When I was younger and would walk home from Hamilton Girls High School, I walked down Ruakiwi Road which had this huge slide on the side of the road going down to the lake domain.  This slide was steep - or at least seemed so to my younger self and I didn't always slide down it due to my caution or I should really say fear. 

At some point, and after a good (5 minute) search online I haven't found out when, it was moved from Ruakiwi road to where it is now on the hill in the playground of the Lake domian. 

George used to be scared of this slide and wouldn't even go down it with myself or hubby.  This year this changed and rather out of the blue.  He will now happily run up the path, climb the stairs and slide down while I watch on.

Grace wants to do everything her big brother does and will be up the half way up the path before I can catch up.  I'm not ready to let her slide by herself, maybe when she's 2 I might let her, but really when I think about it I probably won't.


Next weeks challenge: Jump in puddles

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